Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Busted Part 3

Why do people defend people who lie? Then get upset if someone else questions that same person. Hmmmmmmmmmmm?
From Chatandgrumble forum

from a post by observer
Nov 23 2008, 08:16 PM

There is a heated discussion at SM with OE and Kermit. I can tell you that I have 2 emails from John Silvetti to two monkeys who he told totally different things why he was in Aruba months ago. LALA may want to add to that.
and again from a post by observer at chat and grumble:
Soon I would like to show Mr.Silvettis letter to Hotshot and compare to the one he sent you. He lied to you LALA about his last visit,I hope I shared that with you months ago.
To all of you who doubt the conspiracy theory, Read above.
Observer just stated there that someone lied! Told two different stories, why?
Now, just who should we believe?
Observer you are busted!
come back soon


Anonymous said...

Because they're all nuts?

Anonymous said...

Did you see the latest on the Hate thread at Greased Monkeys? They say no personal information about Anna has ever been posted there then proceed to try to do just that to yet another of her children! They lie and lie and lie about what she has said speculating where he might work. That's none of their business and is stalking yet another of her kids.

She NEVER said he worked in the Secret Service assigned to the POTUS! That is just one whopping lie on top of another.

These people are not only nuts, they are vicious and so filled with hate they would be dangerous if they had any shred of intelligence. They don't keeping them at the annoyance only level.

But they are in dangerous territory stalking members of those government agencies like that.

Anonymous said...

Yes! I saw that. And they STILL lie that Anna posted all the information on her other child herself.

Anna has NEVER posted who any of her children are dating and certainly not half the real name of any of their girlfriends! They uphold HotShit in her attack by claiming Anna posted that herself when she never did any such thing. And that kid is in his 20's so hardly middle-aged as some who post at GM claimed as well.

What a buncha losers! Are they jealous because all of Anna's children ARE professionals. That's not easy these days and I think speaks very highly of her as a mother. Otherwise, why do they constantly lie about her? She didn't have any of the information on either of their Precious.

And I have Jug's phone number, too. Maybe I should call him and see what he thinks of this. Muhahahaha!

Anonymous said...

They never post proof of Anna or anybody else ever saying the tings they claim they did.

That's because they are lying.

And that lunatic cat knew he was lying and tried to say Mrs. Red told him in an email.

Yeah! Sure she did. LIAR!

Anonymous said...

What's with their obsession with other people's children in the first place?

Why is that any of their business? I guess that's about Natalee?

No, it's about being the liars that they are.

Anonymous said...

What the Hell is it with Ldstlou running to Jug tattling all the time?
What a lunatic. She acts like she is 10 years old.
I think she is entering the contest for Jackass of the month.
I nominate the bitch.

Anonymous said...

I think that Lisa should produce some proof as to what she is saying as she is sooo wrong and such a liar.
She gets these loonie ideas in her head and then runs with them.

Do these other loons actually BELIEVE this clown? (except Cat of course, he is the king of assholes there and LOVES to lie as much as she does)

Wasn't he a janitor for an Opera or something? Kinda like the Village Idiot that people pity and give some "work" to?

Anonymous said...

I took a look at GoldMonkeys a litle while ago. I haven't read there in months.
Boy, has that place gone downhill.
It always was a boring little shithole, but, WOW, its become a looney bin!

They must be really desperate for posters there.

Of course, there is no admin there nor a moderator, so I suppose this is what happens when those things are absent.

Kind of a shame, really.

Lisa is nuts said...

The hate site, GoldMonkeys went downhill when they let the likes of Ldstlou and those other nuts post there.
They always had Cat, but he is such a moron nobody can understand him.
He threatens people but few understand what he is talking about. Besides, I think he posts from a loony bin.
Ldstlou and those others are dangerous and seriously mental.

Bust them All said...

Observer is also a stalker

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Busted, Kermit just outted a bunch of them on ScaredMonkeys Musings.

They are all acting as if Carnut actually cares what is posted at his site. Guess again. Carnut enjoys this stuff.

After all, it keeps him surrounded by whores and liars, just the type of women he adores.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering if Ldstlou is a fit mother for that boy of hers.
I think that child protective services should take a long and hard look at her.
She surely is not stable.
Maybe her ex should have custody of this child.

Anonymous said...

Carnut disgusts me.
I am not surprised he allows the posters there to be like they are.
I would bet he encourages it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, as long as they will post about their underwear, those old wankers like Carnut and Cat are busy, busy, busy, typing with one hand only, lol!

But being crazy doesn't give them a right to stalk people.

There are screen shots of all their little hidey hole trash.

Talk about busted!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, they love to post personal information then pretend the person about whom they posted it did it themselves.

Collecting information for purposes other than it was intended. Tsk, tsk!

Anonymous said...

I heard that that old geezer that runs Greased Monkeys sits there and wets himself.
Someone caught a glimpse of the wee wee pads under him, lol

Anonymous said...

If you want the scoop on the epic MMAC/Caylee forums smackdown, go here.

You will laugh your asses off. The Grand Wizard of Douchebaggery, Monoxide, is getting owned by his former members.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what some of observers buddies have to say now that he has admitted himself that Silvetti is a liar. LOL

Anonymous said...

You would really like the Monoxide411 site if you like to see racist losers and child pedo's get a taste of what they dish out. Also check out some of the posts over at "The Daily BS."

Check out the comments sections, and get a load of the entries following the Nazi SS guy being sent to jail. Unbelievable. These are Monoxide's best friends.

Anonymous said...

ldstlou really jumped the shark this time.
Hope Jug tells her to f*ck off like he should have a long time ago.
I will bet Lalas gave Kermits telephone number to Caps. That is probably how his bunky buddy was able to threaten her.
I hope the Feds take that whole site of GM down and the POS that runs it.

Anonymous said...

OH, and those of you who don't know why Kub banned a bunch of you at one time?
Well, now, who was in GM chat with you? Could it have been Yappers? Lalas?
Wouldn't be the first time those two made nice to people's faces and then stabbed them in the back.

Anonymous said...

Yes they think they have all kinds of top secret information at chatandgrumble. They have research on Natalee's case. GUESS WHAT?

They don't have shit! They have absolutley nothing that everyone else hasnt already seen.

Of course MrsKub thinks its secret information, as she wasn't atune to a lot of it at the time it was "found".

They do NOT have SHIT!

Anonymous said...

Kub is a lunatic, an arrogant, nasty, bitter POS.

She runs both CnG and Idiotsrus. I think her time has come to be outted.

Anonymous said...

They don't have a clue how to do research at those hate sites, either one of them. All they do is steal information from SM and BFN.

Observer only "researches" porn sites. Lala's is too busy fostering hoaxes like Capslockgizzard and that other idiot Shango. It's all fun and games for her.

All they know how to do is stalk and collect what they think is personal information on other posters they don't like which is most of them.

That's why they are always so jealous of other posters and try to stalk them.

Anonymous said...

The outpatient treatment and meds are not working for ldiot. She needs to be admitted or is that committed?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Kub needs to be outted.

That is certainly another nut

I think Carnut needs to be outted also and the rest of the nuts at GM.

Anonymous said...

I wonder which of the nuts at GoldMonkeys let someone use their password?
I'd put money on LalasMom or Yapperz.

Anonymous said...

Kub needs to be admitted AND committed, lol

Anonymous said...

This GM crowd just makes it tooo easy.
What morons.
Do you think Pissypants fights the dog for the weewee pads?

Anonymous said...

So they have found a little hacking on their site. It's probably just law enforcement getting screen shots and evidence of the kind of information they post which is highly illegal.

At least they found theirs. I doubt Chit&Gruunt would find hacking if it was staring them in the face. But you know if one of them is hacked by LE they both are.

Good thing so many saved screen shots of their crap. For the deleted stuff anyway. LE can see for themselves the current stalking in the hidey holes.

Anonymous said...

Observer lives in his mommies basement.

Anonymous said...

"Observer lives in his mommies basement."

ROFLMAO, that is so funny

Anonymous said...

I wondered about LE doing the hacking also. I'll bet they did.

If so, they are in some deep shit and trying to hide it all will do them no good at all.

Anonymous said...

Yep, it's going to be just too bad when Carnut's whole website is taken down just because he hosted a bunch of assholes in his forum.

Lie down with dogs . . .get up with fleas.

Will serve the old fart right, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh, technically Observer lived in his father's basement for years. His mother is deceased I think. But he got kicked out finally. What happened to his big job in Colorado? Fired already I think.

Went to California and got the crap beat out of him and robbed according to HotShit. More like caught messing with the wrong teenager. That will happen.

Anonymous said...

What is sad about those gullible members at Goldmonkeys is that they do not realize that their "leader" is the one that gossips and lies about all of them.
It is disgusting.

The lies he has told are really sickening. Then he tells others that a certain person(s) has said things about them when it is HIM that says the stuff.

Guess the members there are too damn stupid to figure it out, though. Not like they haven't been told, but they choose to follow their leader blindly to the slaughter.

Anonymous said...

Yep, that old wanker at the GreasedMonkey site is the biggest sissy gossip ever. He is soured on the whole world and never has anything good to say about anybody and stabs them all in the back, starts fights and spreads gossip behind their backs and they are too stupid to figure it out.

I hope it is LE and they take down his whole site for their dirty stalking and lying habits.

Anonymous said...

Next they will be claiming people post their own Social Security Numbers online!

What losers! That's always their excuse for lying about somebody. . .that the person said it themself when they didn't.

Anonymous said...

Look at the so called leaders of the Hate sites:
An ex-undertaker who shaves kittys.

A pedophile who only lately moved out of his father's basement.

A woman who says she channels dead
people and lies everytime she opens
her mouth.

The Shango riddler who is such a
chicken shit that she has someone
else post her thoughts. She knows
everything but can't tell.

The real estate agent that hasn't sold a house in years and calls Jug
Twitty everytime she has a thought.

What can be expected of such a bunch of misfits and malcontents?

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of losers!

Lock Them All Up said...

Straightjackets were made for people just like these losers.

Anonymous said...

Waterboarding wouldn't be too bad for them either. :/

Anonymous said...

What is so funny is how these idiots can dish out all the crap they want, stalk people, be absolutely rotten to people, post their private information and all, but sure get upset when someone pokes fun at them.

Like any bully, they can dish it out, but sure can't take it