Friday, May 8, 2009

Can't We All Just Get along?

Can't We All Just Get Along?


Internet and all get along = oxymoron. Especially at a forum such as goldmonkey where there is no administration. Yes, you read right. From what I have heard, no one is in charge over there. Carnut built the place, but he wants no duties in keeping everyone in line. So he just tells everyone that it is their forum.
This is why many members have left over there.


Btgirl started a thread at with a poll in it. She wanted members to vote on whether or not to continue on with forum wars .


Along comes Sam, who says "This will be my last post here for awhile. NO ONE asked anyone to be involved in a forum war.Any post you made were made of your own free will. Please do not think you can take away my free will by doing a poll.".


I would give you all a link to this exchange, but alas, the thread is gone or has been moved.
From what I have heard, this is what Btgirl does when she starts something and someone objects to it, LMAO.

Internet forum wars, you gotta love them!

Stop back soon!


Anonymous said...

This is just too good!
Where to start, where to start, lol

Anonymous said...


Dirty Sam whining to her "man" and BT whining to the same man.

It must be hard on old Carnut to pick which one of these neurotic old hags he prefers

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, what a funny ass cartoon! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The only thing missing is his weewee pad

Anonymous said...

Did Carnut turn on his webcam again?

Anonymous said...

He must have.
Hey, where is BleachedBitch?
She should be in that picture too.

She is one of the biggest asslicks around.

Anonymous said...

Are they still hiding threads over there? Why? Like we don't already know they are nuts?

They do have that Cat guy there, don't they? I wonder if they hide his threads too? Kind of like hiding the crazy aunt in the attic

Anonymous said...

That was so funny. What a baby Sam is. She can have free speech but BT can't!!! LOL Idiots.

Anonymous said...

Oh, they are dreaming any way if they think people are just going to forget all their nastiness.

But it is funny to watch one of them post about the high road and the others just say outright that they want no part of anything high minded, lol.

Everybody already knew that, right?

Anonymous said...

I just love the BASH party`s :)

Anonymous said...

With all those nuts in one place, its kinda fun to watch the craziness from afar.

Of course, some of them have leaked out to other forums, but they are easily spotted. They do cheat on Carnut, you know. They don't want him to know, though, so they use different names, but they always give themselves away.

Anonymous said...

Trouble in Paradise?
Rumor has it that BT is REALLY pissed off at Sam. Of course she won't confront Sam with this, she'll just bitch behind her back to anyone that will listen.
It seems a lot are listening, too.

Guess the bloom is off the Rose. A lot are beginning to figure out how deranged and nasty Sam really is.

Anonymous said...

SS or SES is such a skank.
She is whinning and saying Kermit is stalking her.
She forgets that she is the one who posted personal information at
Scared Monkeys about Kermit.
I hope that Kermit finds everythng
about her skanky self and posts it.

Anonymous said...

All SS personal info is available online, I have seen it. Yet she is the one who brought what was supposed to be kermits info to SM.
SS info is available w/o zaba search. No one is stalking SS, she is the stupid ass who had her photos linked to her photo bucket account with her real name on it, no one else did that she did it herself.

Anonymous said...

What gets me about Btgirl is that on the surface she pretends to want everyone to get along. But in the background she sends emails to many people talking about everyone under the sun. She is two faced, very two faced. Beware!

Anonymous said...

BT is a bitter and rejected woman
who finds great joy in stirring
up trouble just to try to make others as unhappy as she is.
She is sneaky about her methods to make herself look innocent.

It was BT who actually started the
forum wars when SM took away chat.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know who BT thinks she is kidding? Probably no one, but they do tend to circle the wagons around all the nutjobs and hate the normal ones over at GM. Bt has done this behind the back crap since forever.

I think its best to let them all just fizzle out. BTW, does anyone ever really read over there? I have read there maybe 2 times in the last 6 months or so and see nothing but a bunch of bullshit. Guess some people like that, though. Obviously, the members there do.

Anonymous said...

Regarding SS or SES and her whining about being stalked.

Just more Bullshit.

Guess she needs some sympathy or needs to stir the pot a bit and get all the nutjobs upset at GM.

Anonymous said...

If SES or anyone else doesn't want their stuff looked at online, then don't post it.
Simple as that.

Otherwise, STFU

Anonymous said...

Oh, and BTW, looking is NOT stalking.
Is she really this stupid or just another drama queen?

Chatandgrumblerssuck said...

SS and her goobers at chatandgrumble look everyone up! They search everyone and I do mean everyone. But when someone looks one of them up they call it stalking.

Anonymous said...

It is not stalking to look a person's name up on Zaba Sesrch.

Perhaps her information was searched in order to provide her address to law enforcement regarding her posting of personal
information on other people.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they forget because they are Idiots that they can just be followed right back from where they are trying to get personal information on people.

Having someone follow you home is not the same as stalking, lol. Not the same as initiating a search even.

But that's what happens so often. Someone just looks to see who have been doing searches on them and returns the favor.

And then these dopes like SS start yelling stalking! If they minded their own business in the first place, they wouldn't have people follow their trail right back to them.

Anonymous said...

BT just couldn't live without a chat so she got Carnut to set up one. She would post off topic constantly trying to get attention so at first everybody was just glad but it didn't take long before she was back attention seeking as always.

She would start posting personal photos or anything right in the middle of discussion of major news break--anything to get the attention on her.

And while she pretends she doesn't like the nasty attacks, she is always right in the big middle of them, drooling.

It's so pathetic her showing Carnut underwear! What is wrong with these people!

Anonymous said...

Which is worse, BT showing the underwear or Carnut wanting her to and looking at it.

Somebody needs to tell them to just shut up!

Anonymous said...

It was hilarious to see Dirty Sam saying she would not stop being nasty!

We knew that but still funny to see her actually put it in writing like she did.

Anonymous said...

Dirty Sam can not be nice. It isn't part of her makeup. She is just a nasty old hag

Anonymous said...

BT acts like she has arrested mental development. I am surprised she can hold a job.

Its like she has the mind of a 10 year old.

I often wonder if she is the office "snitch" at work, Lord knows she "snitches" to anyone that will listen.

I am surprised she hasn't been caught telling tales out of GM yet.
She must have them all snowed.

Anonymous said...

...And all of those sock monkeys.
and they have clothes and houses.

It is sickness with BT.

No wonder her husband left!

Anonymous said...

She is a very strange and very sick woman.

Anonymous said...

IMO they are ALL sick at GM. Every last one of them.
Glad they are not posting at SM anymore. The stench of them is finally gone.

Anonymous said...

BT is just a frustrated old woman.
She has nothing in her life but her fantasies, GM and her sockmonkeys.
Pathetic existence.

Oh, and her underwear

Anonymous said...

I read also that SS or SES or whatever that dingbat uses as a nickname now, is saying that someone from Birmingham, ALA is "stalking" her.
Wouldn't that be Lalas or Cat? How is the world does SES get KERMIT out of that?

Anonymous said...

Oh, but of course,Cat would deny deny deny because, after all, his new "hidden IP" proxy shows him from other places. lol

Yeah,he's hidden , sure he is.

Anonymous said...

You gotta love these Wannabesleuths, all trying to "Hide Their Asses"

They can scurry like rats,but they cannot hide.

RumourMonger said...

Does anyone wonder why BleachedBitch makes all those trips to Aruba?
Why so secretive about it all?

Could she be an AHATA spy?

The rumour monger must look into this one more closely.

Anonymous said...

SSs just got followed home from her own stalking outing.

And don't forget in Birmingham are all the Mountain Brook students who were actually on the trip with Natalee Holloway, many of them at UAB Medical center in training.

Maybe they want to know who this hostile nutcase is and why she is posting all that drivel. Lots of things she has posted are just not true and they all know that.

Anonymous said...

Now they are posting site meter information.

Don't they know this can be done right back to them as well?

Being IDIOTS, probably that hasn't even occurred to them yet, lol.

And I think several of them are still in shock to learn that people really, really don't like them!

Anonymous said...

Hard for them to grasp any of this. Of course, they are pretty nutty and their world revolves around only them, so they never noticed what people REALLY said about them.
OR what they say about each other, which is even funnier.

Anonymous said...

After seeing just how scatterbrained and insane these GM's are, WHY in HELL would anyone believe any of their so-called "Research"?
Of course, the only Research they do is to trash people and stalk them and their children.
But,look at their leader? The man they all worship? Nuttier than a fruitcake.
BUT, the women there have found a safe haven. He LOVES slutty, crazy women. I would imagine he is in Slut Heaven right now AND he has a captive audience. After all, no decent place would have any one of them. He adores their filthy mouths, the nastier the better. He LOVES the underwear talk. Helps with his fantasies. (and he needs all the help he can get)
Yes, there are male members there too. Course, it would be heresy to call them men, but still...
They are there. One even said he would prefer BT WITHOUT her underwear. Now,this guy is in his right mind, isn't he? And how about her? She was thrilled he said it. So, another crazy right there. I mean, she just WUBS this guy.

BUT after they get done trashing people, stalking people, being hateful to people, They all pray.
Isn't that sweet?

And after they've all prayed and patted eachother on the back and told each other how wonderful they are and how picked on THEY are, they go right back at it.

Well, IMO they should pray and perhaps then go on to amend their ways a bit.

Anonymous said...

Someone gave me the link to this site and it is so good

I didn't know Goldmonkeys were still around. I used to go there once upon a time and it was not a very nice place. It looks like it got a lot worse.

I noticed the names of some others that I have seen at other forums. Most of them were troublemakers.

Anonymous said...

They are ALL troublemakers

Anonymous said...

They all love each other over there donchaknow. Oh that's right, they have to no one else loves them anywhere else online.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"They all love each other over there donchaknow. Oh that's right, they have to no one else loves them anywhere else online."

Oh yes,you are right, the mutual admiration society over there. Who the heck else would want them?

Anonymous said...

That is so funnyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I love it.

Total waste of human breath at that site.

The most sickening bunch of fools I have ever seen on the internet.

They each try to out do the other in their ugliness.

Bunch of freaks, but thankfully they are all in one place.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that Carnut put that site meter up over at goldmonkey so that his little buddies could use it to taunt the guests.
What asswipes, all of them.

Anonymous said...

There is not a likable poster at
the Gold Monkey site. They all
have a nasty attitude and had it
before they were banned at SM.
It is a bunch of people that deserve each other.

Anonymous said...

As soon as they found out Carnut had that underwear fetish, surprise! Threads on underwear popped up, more than one of them, too.

How desperate can they get! But I don't think there was ever a male poster at SM that BT didn't try to get email address, etc. from right from the start, would try to get them to meet her in real life, etc.

Some had to be really rude to her to get her to back off and leave them alone, too.

Anonymous said...

Does ldstlou force Nicholas to read the underwear threads as well? Just wondering since she says GM means so much to "Nicholas and I" so that would mean all of it.

That poor kid! Forced to read or hear about a bunch of sicko old hags who are all so bitter and evil at heart. I hope she doesn't force all the Cub Scouts to read there, too!

Anonymous said...

BT actually drove some male SM posters off never to return.
She hounded them to death.
I also understand she would find out their phone numbers and call them all hours of the night.

No wonder her husband left. What man would put up with that?

Anonymous said...

Don't ya wub that little Fairy Tale BT wrote at the from of GM to try to explain why they just had to run away and start a gossip site?

She left out the part about the fights in the SM chat getting so bad with that bunch in there that it needed a moderator 24/7.

And if I am not mistaken, it was one of those sweet little chatters who hacked the entire site and crashed it! Lost a lot of data and research but then they never cared about anything but chatting about themselves anyway.

Anonymous said...

I remember something about that! It was someone in chat, can't remember the name but may have been something like Pete the Pirate or Black Pirate?

Anyway, whole site ended up compromised. Still records only admin can access and everybody lost their post count.

Anonymous said...

That may be why Carnut has that forum away from his real website, so they can't hack it and take it down.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that could be. With that crowd anyting is possible and Carnut probably doesn't trust them as far as he can throw them.
I know he doesn't like any of them.

Anonymous said...

Carnut and BT gossip with each other about all the other posters, guess they think they are perfect? BT and Ldstlou have to control every man in their lives and eventually drive them away.

Anonymous said...

Carnut can kiss my ass!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW, it is great to see how much you all love the goldmonkeys!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"WOW, it is great to see how much you all love the goldmonkeys!"

Oh, you are SO clever! Go back and kiss Carnuts ass now, he is tugging on your leash. You deserve your pat on the head and your dog treat.

Anonymous said...

Carnut is just laughing at all of them knowing he OWNS them.

Anonymous said...

I know, he always did laugh at all of them.

Remember when he referred to himself as the Rooster with all his Hens?

Well,he is a cock..but , Rooster?

btw, even a Rooster keeps his feathers clean.

Anonymous said...

What does that make all the other Males in his henyard?

Uh Oh.They'd better produce an egg or they won't be able to "pass" pretty soon.

Anonymous said...

Closest Carnut gets to a live female is the porn he spends all day and night groping himself over

Anonymous said...

Just to prove how btgirl craves attention and will do anything to get it she made a thread over there about linedancing at her job. It got only 26 views and NO replies LMFAO! Not one of her bestest friends replyed, as it was not worthy. Who goves a flying fuck about what they do at her job!

Anonymous said...

Linedancing at her JOB?

Oh how stupid. Yes, who gives a shit?
Surprised someone didn't stomp her for being the office snitch. Then she'd really have something to start a thread about, lol

Anonymous said...

How about that BleachedBlack?
Going to Aruba every chance she gets, even though she belongs to a forum supposedly for Natalee Holloway?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if when Carnut began his forum he thought he'd end up having all these nutcases as members and be the laughingstock of the net?

He has put a lot on the line, his reputation is shot and he stands a good chance of being arrested with having his members post personal information about people.
I wonder if he ever thinks about this?

Anonymous said...

That cartoon is hilarious, really funny!! Thanks for the laughs!

Anonymous said...

Just as I pictured them. LOL

Anonymous said...

Kub was the one that wanted Destiny invited. Yap and Lala's were pissed when she was voted in.
Kub is gone, Destiny is still there....bringing their forum to all time low.

She loves to stir shit wherever she goes. Yap and Lala's need to hold a vote and get rid of Destiny....if they really want to take the high road.


Anonymous said...

Yap and Lalas get pissed about everyone. 2 backstabbing wannabes.

Anonymous said...

Why don't Yap and Lalas just set up their own forum?
They could then only invite who they want since they seem to dislike everyone.

I noticed that Debbie is now a member of GM. Wonder how Yap and Lalas like that? They said they hate Debbie and in fact, when Debbie applied once before, Yap said if she was accepted, she'd never come back.

Anonymous said...

Most of them don't want Yap or Lala's there anymore anyway, so maybe that is why they accepting people they know will piss them off. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! LoRain is a real paranoid whack job. She wants to stay out of the "wars" yet continues to make her idotic posts.

Hey LoRain, you just put a bulls eye on yourself. Idiot!!!

Let me tell you this too, You never came across as a nice and caring person....just sayin'

If you having problems with people in the "real world" and the "internet world"......has it ever occured to you that YOU are the real problem? Just a little something to think about. wink-wink

Anonymous said...

Yap and Lala's (the evil twin sisters) always threaten that. But they always go back - because no one else wants them. I wonder why????? Maybe they should too!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So, I guess with the membership of Debbie, GM has officially become an anti Beth Holloway site.

Oh, but we knew that already, didn't we?

Anonymous said...

Lorain never made a post at SM that
was anything but disagreeable. If she thinks she is kind and nice,
God help her.
The whole bunch of them is nuts.

Anonymous said...

I read again at GM. (smacking self in forehead for wasting time) and I have to laugh at them.

They are all trashing people who read their forum but are constntly here!

HI LoRain! HI Destiny! HI Mumsey! And all ther rest of you that are hovering here and taking stuff back to your little shitty forum, lol

Buncha nuts, I tell ya.

I LOVE how they think that SM runs this forum. With such good "sleuthwork" no wonder they haven't even figured out that Shango is just jibberish.

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER seen so many people get so many things wrong as the ones at GM.
No wonder they can't figure anything out.
I am sure that it was a GM'r at another forum this morning trying to say that Spider was Artcolley, then on to say Spider was Jen, and on and on.
I do know that poor Artcolley hasn't even been online much for a very long time and yet she is still getting blamed for things that she never did? And I don't think Jen even reads there.
So, once again, the GM'rs are just blowing smoke out their collective asses to make themselves seem important.
Quite frankly, I think they are all going nuts. I guess being hated by everyone can't be easy. I mean, it takes real brains to make a death threat against Kermit just because you don't agree with her.
So, you see what GM is all about. Its pretty clear at this point.

The people at GM keep saying they don't like the Forum Wars, yet they continue to act like thugs. I am SO glad they are all banned at SM.


Anonymous said...

Look, those members at GM and CnG are the type of people you would never have as friends in "real life". They are the dregs of society.
Loons, drunks, thieves and on and on.
Think about it. Would you want to MEET any of them? I sure would not.
Heck, I wouldn't even want to email with any of them.

Anonymous said...

I always used to think Carnut was a gentleman. It is very disappointing to see what he has become.

Anonymous said...

Carnut's forum went to Hell the minute he allowed Cat and Yap and now that crazy LoRain to run his forum for him.
The gates were open to every loon on the net and they all went there.

It's his own fault. That Boy needs to grow a pair and take back his forum.

Anonymous said...

Carnut doesn't care what is posted there or who posts it. It is a shame that he does not want a respectable forum. Sigh

Anonymous said...

Carnut is an asshole with a site filled with frustrated old women that JUST WUBS him.

Anonymous said...

With AC and LoRain being regular posters at Refugees Unleashed, of course GM has gone to the pits.

Bt wants everyone there,EVERYONE and BB says she has no problem with RU.Of course not, she IS one of them too.

Anonymous said...

Cat is still nuts
Dirty Sam is still nasty
BB has lost her mind
Idstlou has always been nuts and still is.

lisaloudmouth said...

Please do more on ldstlou, a member of GM. Her posts will give you so much to work with. LOL

She makes the dumbest threats then breaks the law by posting someones SS#.

She is quite the little den mother and obsessively obnoxious about her son.

She is a real nutcase.

Anonymous said...

Reminder (in case you forgot):
Cat is still nuts
Dirty Sam is still nasty
BB has lost her mind
Idstlou has always been nuts and still is.

Add: LoRain is a whackjob
Lalas and Yap are still evil

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Reminder (in case you forgot):
Cat is still nuts
Dirty Sam is still nasty
BB has lost her mind
Idstlou has always been nuts and still is.

Add: LoRain is a whackjob
Lalas and Yap are still evil

June 9, 2009 4:30 PM


ROFLMFAO, Too darned funny!

Anonymous said...

And don't forget - LuLuBelle says she is President of the PTA. Does that make your skin crawl?

Carnut says he is more intelligent than anyone he has ever met.

BT says she wubs everyone and she wubs them so much she keeps opening the door at GM and collecting more nuts.

Help me people. There is so much more. LOLOLOL