of May. This was a hard decision as there are so many Jackasses online..
However, without further ado, the Jackass of the Month award this month goes to Drum roll.........Hotshot.
Hotshot: January 31, 2009: Natalee Holloway / LCD Archive / Re: Natalee Case Discussion #797 1/30/09 -
Hotping, you wouldn't know the first thing about getiing up and going somewhere to go and help. From the beginning I have been one of the people who had befriended the suspects. (as shown in the picture) in person, and online with many more then just SC. I was a new face to Aruba, and I took the chance to go and look for answers. I don't see you bashing RE* for the picture with Renfro. Same thing my friend, same thing. But thats OK you just keep thinking the way you do, it will get you far.
Oh my, SHE has been the one to BEFRIEND the suspects, in The Natalee Holloway investigation.
SHE was a new face in Aruba and SHE took a chance to go look for answers etc.
I could put a lot more of her bizarre posts here, but why even bother.
Who asked her to do all this?
Just like SHE attended a Protest Aruba travel show, and booked a trip to Aruba, while others were outside telling people not to go. Real class act.
Hotshot, You are just another Internet Messageboard poster, get it?
Why do people insert themselves into these cases? Then expect everyone to bow down to them. Strange stuff!
Stop back soon.
She is a genuine loony tune.
She has done a lot of harm in the
Natalee case and will continue to
do so.. I am afraid.
Great choice!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh-uh Observer is going to have a crying fit.
I hope they are real tears.
Excellent choice!
I loved her post about how Dave Holloway had his phone number changed and she now misses their chats so much!
Didn't seem to occur to her that he must not miss them at all or would have given her the new number. He changed it to get away from her as most people do!
Yes, she brags and brags about being the one to coordinate this latest pond search hoax, too.
There is no end to the harm she has brought to the Holloway family.
A real Jackass for sure!
I love that she made it as winner!
She is the "Real Deal" of the crazies.
I can't believe she actually booked a trip at that protest. What a hypocrite.
Then she lied about it.
I would like to now how much money she has made from all this.
Does AHATA pay her?
How much has she harmed has she done?
If not for this meddling old woman, would we have found out what really happened to Natalee?
I think she really did harm this case terribly.
All because of her Ego and quest for riches.
This kath/hotshot is the craziest message board poster I have ever seen involved in a missing person's case. Calling her a jackass makes me pity the jackass!
Oh, yes, this is the one who likes to lie and call others liars and claim someone lied to Dave Holloway.
Well, she and that Obsessed Observer are the ones putting Dave Holloway in contact with the liar who just pulled off that pond search hoax!
They and Lalalalalaldingdong have lied to Dave Holloway and other family members like anything.
They should all apologize and repay Dave all that money they caused him to waste on their phony search and bogus witnesses they promoted.
No wonder this case is still so confused with people like that always misdirecting this family.
She almost got TES kicked off the island once when they were there to search with her running here and there lying about them as well, too.
Anonymous said...
HotShit is paid by AHATA and so is that p*******e Observer.
This case will never get solved if nutters like HotShit and p***o Observer keep muddying the waters.
The award is very much deserved.
May 2, 2009 3:38 PM
comment edited to clean up a bit.
I nominate Lalas for the next Jackass award. She is the "Pitts"!
Who is the "Sam" hill does she think she is?
"Oh, Shango just email me at
What a toad!
I think LDSTLOU should win JackAss of the year!
Why does Observer keep saying somebody called him a "baby raper" when no one did any such thing? Why does he keep making up that particular lie? Why does he think someone would say that?
HotShit does everything he tells her to do. Photo of her embracing that scum Steve Croes has been all over the internet, too. Oh, sure, she was doing "undercover" work all right! Crazy old woman making a fool of herself and doing anything she can think of to try to draw attention to herself just like Obsy and ldstlou.
They all three need to STFU and leave this family and investigation alone and stop the lying! Three Jackass Trio!
This one would sell her soul for a discount ticket to Aruba!
Hick from the Sticks, never been anywhere else in her life and thinks that's the ultimate in places to go.
Anonymous said...
I nominate Lalas for the next Jackass award. She is the "Pitts"!
Who is the "Sam" hill does she think she is?
"Oh, Shango just email me at
What a toad!
May 5, 2009 10:59 AM
Lalas won the award last month. LOL
All of those people mentioned in the comments lied to the family of Natalee Holloway and promoted a shill of AHATA sent to the forums by Poster MI6.
That makes them all in that hoax together. At some point, they would have realized the error of their ways and recanted their support of him if they were not in it as deep as their hero, CapsLock!
So now we know what their problem has been all along and why they had to misdirect constantly!
So where is hotshit these days? Has she finally been committed somewhere?
Most likely Hotshot and BleachedBlack are on Holiday to Aruba together.
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