Sunday, March 29, 2009

Interesting Forum Interactions

Here are some interesting interactions between forum posters who do not get along.
Get out the boxing gloves!

This one is from the Topix forum, where they are discussing the missing little girl .

Tom wrote::

I suffered a lot in the past 15 months but I expect things to improve. It's just rebound
insomnia from takeing strong sleep aid. I have no pain yet so I might not have kidney stone.
Thanks for reminding me I will have some homemade lemonade. You are a callous idiot for saying all this hurtful garbage it just makes me stronger.

Lazar Bel

2 hrs ago

And you are not a callous person for all the hurtful things you've said to some of the women posters on this thread? You insult them and that OK, but I insult you and it's a bad thing. Not only are you callous, but you are a stupid, self-centered ass/hole and I don't give two cents for your worthless condition. If the things I have said make you stronger, it certainly wasn't my intention. Now go wheeze in another direction.

And then from Refugeesunleashed in a political discussion this occurs::

Wed Mar 18, 2009

Need2Know wrote:

Everything was fine in this thread all day, nobody got personal with anybody, even though we may disagree, but then a certain somebody (hint hint) (hint hint) parachutes in and instead of debating or giving opinions on the issues, she can't control the urge to get personal with people. This is a distrubing trend and seems to be happening more and more with her lately. Hmmm...I posted 2 articles and then dithers made a comment.

gwen Posted :weds Mar 18th, 2009

I started nothing at all!!! Get your facts straight before you attempt to start your shit with me. BTW - you are not the moderator here. You just don't like the fact that someone doesn't agree with you so you jump in as usual with your bullying bullshit!!!

From the forum:

bam bam

Registered user

Why don't you try and use the word HOME.

04-01-2009, 11:52 AM

Registered User

Ya know..I can not understand the problem with the word "trailor"..Is it beneath some of you that you just can't bring yourself to say/post it? My goodness...Its a trailor..a mobile home..a tee pee..grass shack..whatever

Then again from : ( I could make a blog about that place alone! )

lightlavender wrote:

INF agrees with me a lot. And nope, it's not just INF and Clovis who are questioning the Grunds' actions.

SCG wrote:

Who else, you? You have 11 posts. Either you just woke up after 8 months, or you have been posting under another name.

On and on it goes. Till next time

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Blogs Of Note

There have been some blogs developed to discuss the "falling out" of different forums or it's members. Here I will be listing some interesting blogs I have found.

Beacon Hell is one such blog, and touts itself as "Exposing the underbelly of true crime"

Although I want to say that websleuths has had over 17,000 members, so naturally there will be some along the way that become disgruntled. Who knows how many are really still there?

There are also many splintered off forums and I will do a post on those later.

More to Come

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Most Ridiculous Posts

Here are some of the most ridiculous posts that i have found on various internet forums. The thing is these forums are mostly about Crimes and or missing people.

If anyone has any good posts for me to add here please leave me a link to it in the comment section. I want to add a lot more.

From , you gotta love this, the person wanted to be banned.Obviously by looking at his current status under his posting name, it worked, LOL.

03-01-2009, 04:36 PM

Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 510
A ton of people have been banned for disagreeing. Again, the post is my opinion. My opinion is: since I didnt post like Montana did, chances are good I will be banned, if I am wrong I will be suprised.

Then there is this doozy from

100 poster
Karma: 4 OfflinePosts: 137

Re: The Cage « Reply #128 on: March 19, 2009, 10:23:02 am »
Well anyone knowing me it should come as no surprise I tried sticking my head in a ziplock bag....well it was very tight across the forehead....thus I didn't force it on over my face cuz I didn't want to accidentally kill myself....

Then from

Ink51 Posted:
Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:02 pm

Don't bother making nasty replies to me (all you shills). I won't be back here for another six months. Ciao suckers!

There is this post from

Monday Mar 9

oh now why you wonna start giving out all those stickers? i guess you found me out? i am all over. different names, different e-mails, different locations and sometimes you don't even know your talking to me thanks AOL. you never really know who your talking to?? so everyone should really play nice or it might just come back and bite you in the butt. have a great evening

and from post:

Enough already
14 hrs ago

Hobbit55 apparently you have not been around long enough! Troll get real, not me,say it like it is, just honest! Thanks anyway! Troll game, been here to long to be involed in the dribble!! Don't like bimbo's with kids,feel sorry for them!!

Lots more to come

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Forum Hidey Holes

Some Forums are public and can be viewed by all. Some even let anyone post. Others may let you read but you have to join to make posts.

Some forums have super secret "hidey holes", or threads or areas that can only viewed by certain members. For instance, at Websleuths they have "The Parking Lot."
At Refugeesunleashed they have the "Heated Exchange".
The hidey holes are filled with all kinds of super duper top secrets. HA HA HA.
Some forums use these hidden threads to mock or talk about other people.
Some just hide posts that they copy and paste from other forums.
So put on your secret decoder rings and get out your spy pens and put on a cape!
I prefer to just blog about morons.
Till next time.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


One good thing about a lot of Internet Forums, most have Administrators and Moderators that Ban you if you act like a jerk. Some have time outs. Some block your IP so you can't go back.

BYE BYE, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Here are a few avatars of some members of the "Banned on a forum" club.

Some come back reincarnated. Under Different nicknames.

They flame and inflame you. Rather than disagree with what you've posted they dig at you.

If anyone has avatars of anyone recently banned leave me a note in comments.

The more the merrier LOL.

And then there was the recent case where An Administrator over at was discovered to have a criminal past as a Child sex offender. She posted under the name "Windchime". She will probably go blend in somewhere else under a different nickname. Sad.

Read all about Websleuths and Windchime here:

Oh yeah it is an interesting World.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Know It Alls

This poster that uses the above avatar is one is the biggest whiners I have ever seen online, just my opinion of course.

And this above is another knowitall who has posted in several places, and shes never nice.
Matter of fact, she is a pain in the ass.

The one who uses this above avatar is full of hot wind.
Stick a pin into her and she would deflate.

And above another avatar of a poster who knows everything and everyone.

The poster who uses the above avatar is just another know it all, in my opinion of course.

This poster above is a smartass who thinks he is funny, he isn't. In my own opinion, of course.

Then there is the infamous line of "I know the answer, but I can not tell it " .

Forum wars you gotta love em.


Someone from the Natalee's Freebirds Forum had a big mouth and repeated a lot of information that was supposed to be kept as confidential. This person is now known as The Leak.
So many big mouths, so little time.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Shango Tango Mucho Junko

Over at the forums, there is a group of people who like to talk about theories on the Natalee Holloway case. One of these groups is called the codetalkers, or the Shango followers. In the last several months, the Shango Tango people have gotten pissed off and went off to form another group. Thus starts yet another forum war.

I personally love the Scaredmonkeys site, so I was happy to find out that the "shango people" have moved to another site. see them here
These Shango people are a classic example of people who dont know what else to do with their time.

This Gibberish is some of the most ridiculous stuff you would ever want to read. Shango was the nickname by some anon. poster. He claimed to have information on the Natalee Holloway Case and talked in riddles. Right out of Marvel comic books. Some people have taken up on trying to figure these riddles out, I guess they think if they solve the riddles they solve the case.

For entertainment go to the above links.

Oh yeah.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Internet Forum Wars

This is a blog dedicated To internet forum wars.

People come together online to different Forums. Everyone has an opinion and naturally along the way many will disagree. However, there are some who take the disagreements to a whole new level, and it is unreal. When you upset some of these people they become vile and spiteful.
People at were banned, and started to fight back with new forums or blogs like this:

Court TV insessions boards where people follow famous court cases, and of course argue all the time:

There are so many, , , , , Refugeesunleashed, on and on. Most of the people who go to these forums mean well enough. Some nasty people end up at these places. After they get pissed about people who do not tow their line, watch out! There may be a small number of people who are there that have been led astray. The rest are just Nasty.

They take your avatars that you use to make posts and do stuff like this to it.

You know this could be fun.

Oh Yes.