Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blogs of Note Part 2

Blogs of Note Part 2

There have been some blogs developed to discuss the "falling out" of different forums or it's members. Here is a blog that someone left me a link to, it is called Monoxide411.

Do you all remember Murt? If you don't it is a long story, but reading at this aforementioned blog may help to fill in some of the blanks. When the Caylee Anthony case hit the Internet, Murt became an Internet sensation for awhile. I even ventured on over to his live chat from time to time. It was entertaining if nothing else. Murt travels around to crime scenes with a web cam.
He then live streams himself on the internet, and people get to chat with him about the goings on. Some of the best drama I have ever seen was over at his live chats!

Fast forward, now according to this blog, people are sending Murt money and or computers!
If anyone has any more computers laying around that they don't need let me know. LMAO
Or money, what the hell, I'm not shy. If it works for Murt it just may work for me!
Read here, there are a few articles on Murt.
Come back soon with gifts ! LMAO