Thursday, May 28, 2009

Some Don't Get Mad They Get Even

Some do not get mad they get even.
I had seen a link to this forum (speakingoftheidiots) in the comment section here. Today I ventured on over there. WOW! This forum is promoted as a rebuttal site for posters who have been wronged, lied about, and made fun of elsewhere on other forums. All I can say after reading this is paybacks really can be a bitch. Ouch it hurts.


I would not ever wanna piss these posters off, LMAO.
Read at the link below, at your own risk of course. LOL


Forum wars, you gotta love them!

Stop back soon.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Proper Online Netiquette

Don't argue with everything everyone says. If someone says the sky is blue, don't say it's grey.
Don't overdo your punctuation marks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't drink and post, you may be embarrassed the next day.
Don't write a long letter when you post, people don't have all day to read.
Do respect the privacy of other posters.
Do not post that picture of yourself wasted at a work Christmas party.
Don't act like an ass online, save that for your real life.
After all, who really wants to be the next to get BUSTED on this blog? LOL.
Happy Memorial Day everyone!

Stop back soon!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Kind Of Poster Are you?

Online community forums and message boards discuss everything and anything.
When you join an online community there are many different types of people posting.
Which kind of poster are you?
Here are the most common types, where do you fit in?

1. Timid Tina- Usually lurks and reads, very shy and doesn't post much.
2. Bossy Betty- Trys to set the rules even though she's not in charge of anything at all.
3. Mindful Matilda- Always abides by the rules of social etiquette.
4. Hop Along Cassidy- Goes with the flow on any given day.
5. Slimy Spoon Steve- Always looking to stir up trouble.
6. Sickening Sweet Heather- Loves everyone and everything.
7. Nasty Nancy- Always sounds like she has PMS, never nice.
8. Lost In Space Lonnie- Has no idea what anyone is really talking about.
9. Contributing Connie- Trys to contribute positive ideas to the topic at hand.
10. Manny The Mole- There to spy on everyone about everything, usually copies and pastes everything to take back to others.
11. Multiple Personality Eve- Has numerous online nicknames and identities.
12. Raving Rita- Goes on rants about any given subject, goes on and on.
13. Know It All Nellie- Knows absolutely everything better than anyone.
14. Pitiful Polly- Always has some kind of problem or issue.
15. Look At Me Lucy- Always has to be the center of attention, always wants a pat on the back.
16. Laughing Larry- Always has to be the clown of the group.
17. Popular Patty- Everybody wants to be her buddy.
18. Gossiping Katy- Always minding everyone else's business, talking about others usually in behind the scene emails.
19. Bullshit Benny- Always making things up, you never know what to believe with this one.
20. Helpful Hal- Always there to help out in any way he can.
Which type are you? Come on, Tell the truth now!
Stop back soon!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Unethical Behaviors Online

I really hate to have to do another post so soon about the goldmonkey forum. But I just could not ignore this opportunity to show people what can happen during the course of forum wars.

Blogs such as this one may pop up on the internet. People post on various forums or blogs about the gripes they have with other forums or their posters.

Now one can chose to do this the right way or the wrong way, IMO.

It seems that the goldmonkey forum has added a sitemeter to their site. That is fine in most cases. I have one here just to see how much traffic I get. The intent of the goldmonkey forum however was not the same. They wanted to be able to see who comes there to read so that they could publicly post the ips of the visitors. Then, they go on to say who they think that visitor is. Oh that visitor lives in Timbuck 2, so it must be so and so. In my opinion that is as bad as giving out a real life name or location of a poster. Not too cool eh?
One thing I will promise here, and that is no real life names of posters will ever be found on this blog. No real life locations or ips of anyone will ever be found on this blog.
Why? Because it just is not the right thing to do.
Just sayin. It is unethical. IMO of course.
From the dictionary:

unethical - not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior; "unethical business practices".
see what they are doing by going here:
Come back soon!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Blogs Of Note Part 3

Blogs Of Note Part 3

There have been some blogs developed to discuss the "falling out" of different forums or it's members.
I found an interesting blog called
It seems that this blog author was a member of websleuths truecrime forum. She also joined justicequest forum. From what I can gather these two forums she joined are at odds with one another. It seems that she got caught up in the middle of some forum wars. It seems that she has been banned now from justicequest, and thus has started her own site.
Correction: She has had her site before joining the two aforementioned sites.
( thanks Lisha! )
Reading her site just goes to show that forum wars are going strong out there in cyberland.

Read her interesting writeup of her experiences here:
Stop back soon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Busted Part 4

In this day and age of the Internet, there are so many articles and photos posted across the world wide web. Some people protect their articles and or photos by copyright etc. Nothing wrong with that. But when you steal another website's articles then try to copyright them as your own, something is very wrong there!


There is a group of disgruntled former monkeys. They made a website called chatandgrumble. They steal articles and photographs from all over the internet, and copyright these articles and photos as "CNG Research". They think as long as they call it research that gives them the legal right to do so. Wrong! Not only is it wrong, it is disrespectful, shame on these sheeple!


A recent example of such behaviour was posted at the scaredmonkeys site by klaasend, the administrator. Johan, you are so busted!! This is not your property no matter how much you try to make it so! I have to sit here and just laugh at these losers.


Original article as posted on the front page of scaredmonkeys:
Then you have Johan's new copyrighted (LMAO) version:
Johan or as some call him Johan555.....You are BUSTED!
Stop taking other people's stuff and calling it your own. ROFLMAO!

All of the photos and the explanation of what happened as stated above can be found at scaredmonkeys at this link:
Stop back soon for more!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Can't We All Just Get along?

Can't We All Just Get Along?


Internet and all get along = oxymoron. Especially at a forum such as goldmonkey where there is no administration. Yes, you read right. From what I have heard, no one is in charge over there. Carnut built the place, but he wants no duties in keeping everyone in line. So he just tells everyone that it is their forum.
This is why many members have left over there.


Btgirl started a thread at with a poll in it. She wanted members to vote on whether or not to continue on with forum wars .


Along comes Sam, who says "This will be my last post here for awhile. NO ONE asked anyone to be involved in a forum war.Any post you made were made of your own free will. Please do not think you can take away my free will by doing a poll.".


I would give you all a link to this exchange, but alas, the thread is gone or has been moved.
From what I have heard, this is what Btgirl does when she starts something and someone objects to it, LMAO.

Internet forum wars, you gotta love them!

Stop back soon!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crazy Internet Posters

I have seen some crazy people post on Internet Forums and Message boards. Most people there are ok and just concerned.

However some really strange and or crazy people come out of the woodwork. I am not saying all posters are crazy, but there certainly are a few who are.

One such poster is "Destiny". Somehow, this woman thinks she is the appointed one. She calls people in Aruba on the telephone about the Natalee Holloway case. She also called the bounty hunter Leonard Padilla asking questions about the Caylee Anthony case. Now she is claiming to have called Fred Golba who just did a search in Aruba for Dave Holloway.

This woman is out of her mind, LOL. Why is she calling all these people?


Can you even begin to imagine being on the other end of a telephone when she calls?

They must laugh like hell. Then they make fun of her when they hang up. Can't you just hear this woman, "Hello, I am some crazy woman from the internet who wants to know all of your business."


This is the same poster who got caught in lies before, and was Busted right here on this very blog! see link:


This is the same person who gets *feelings* about crime cases. I say the only things she hears are those little voices in her head, and the only *feelings* she gets are hot flashes.


This poster Destiny just makes it to easy doesn't she.

Ringy dingy, what a dingy she is!

Stop back soon!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Jackass Award #2

Once again it is time to give out the distinguished Jackass Award for the month
of May. This was a hard decision as there are so many Jackasses online..
However, without further ado, the Jackass of the Month award this month goes to Drum roll.........Hotshot.
Hotping, you wouldn't know the first thing about getiing up and going somewhere to go and help. From the beginning I have been one of the people who had befriended the suspects. (as shown in the picture) in person, and online with many more then just SC. I was a new face to Aruba, and I took the chance to go and look for answers. I don't see you bashing RE* for the picture with Renfro. Same thing my friend, same thing. But thats OK you just keep thinking the way you do, it will get you far.
Oh my, SHE has been the one to BEFRIEND the suspects, in The Natalee Holloway investigation.
SHE was a new face in Aruba and SHE took a chance to go look for answers etc.
I could put a lot more of her bizarre posts here, but why even bother.
Who asked her to do all this?
Just like SHE attended a Protest Aruba travel show, and booked a trip to Aruba, while others were outside telling people not to go. Real class act.
Hotshot, You are just another Internet Messageboard poster, get it?
Why do people insert themselves into these cases? Then expect everyone to bow down to them. Strange stuff!
Stop back soon.