Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some Get Banned Part 2

Sometimes people get banned from internet forums.

Bye bye, see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.
What more is there to say? Banned from SM






If you want to read them boohoo about it then read this thread below. Remember, take it with a grain of salt, as some do not know how to tell the truth about their actions


More to be added soon!


Anonymous said...

All banned, all at once?

Karma bit them in the ass?

Anonymous said...

It was about time!!!!
They have been asking for it for
a while now.
They need to realize it is not
their opinion that is offensive,
but the nasty attitude with which
they sate that opinion.

Anonymous said...

I read at both forums to see what in heck happened.

Wow, what an eyeful.

I will say that the only ones I saw being rude and obnoxious are the posts on Goldmonkeys. I only saw the folks at Scaredmonkeys defending themselves from the attacks.

I have come to the conclusion that all the Goldmonkeys should have been banned a long time ago

What a bunch of strange people.

Anonymous said...

I think they are all happy about it or they should be.
After all, they have wanted to be banned for a long time now.
Those morons wear it as a badge of honor.

Bust them all said...

I am so tired of the goldmonkeys whining and pretending to be victims. We have seen them laugh at others sarcastic posts about scaredmonkeys, do they think people can't see? Yes BT, you have enjoyed the games so do not try to act like you haven't. Same with bleachedblack, sure liked to get her digs in didn't she.
That SS over there is a nasty person who trys to play innocent victim. Sorry, SS, we don't buy it we have seen you in action. Oldfart is just plain stoopid, so he deserves them over there.
I am glad the trolls are gone!!

Bleached Blech said...

What is really moronic and stupid is that they think they were banned because they didn't agree with Kermit. They blame KERMIT for everything. Kermit has not a thing to do with this.
Its THEM. THEY did this all by themselves. They are nasty people and no one wanted to see their crap.
Remember Sam bumping her post to Rob? Bumping it and bumping it. She thinks that is nice behavior?

And BT, so innocently obnoxious. Yes, everyone was on to her games.
She is very passive agressive.

BB is just plain nasty. Who would want THAT on their forum?

Old Fart is a pushy bastard.

Not a ONE of them is without fault for their own banning.

That they can't see this says so much about their character, or lack thereof.

NONE of them seem to want to take responsibility for their own actions. Its so much easier to blame others.

What a pathetic little group of losers, all patting each other on the back and giving each other sympathy.

Maybe they all should get out of the house more and so something positive for a change instead of bashing people.

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed how peaceful it is at SM without these goofballs?

Anonymous said...

I have noticed. I wish they'd been booted a long time ago.

Good Riddance to them all.

Now they are licking their wounds.

Boo Foking Hoo

Anonymous said...

The following post is by the halfwit, Cat, on their PUBLIC boohoo thread:

"Well,I have noticed that red does not support the First Amendment.He does answer questions and will not accept dissent.He is not tolerant of others.These are facts.He allows those he likes to break the law,make threats,and abuse others.Those are facts.I am really sorry for those who have become hurt or insulted by bad behavior."

What a flaming liar. All this can be attributed to Cat hmself.
Just an example of Cat's mental issues.
He blames others for what he himself does.

BTW, isn't he posting from an institution? Its nice that they allow him to have computer privileges, but they really should monitor this goon.

Anonymous said...

casa, PITA, and others also banned, lol.

Long overdue and guess they just pushed it a little too far.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Everybody is totally tired of their constant blaming others for their own lowlife behavior.

Things are much improved without them and there are still a couple more I hope get the boot as they serve nothing but their own little self serving agenda.

Anonymous said...

Who in their right mind even thinks they can just bash and trash another forum then go post on that same forum they are constantly bashing?

Bet they would let somebody come into their precious pitiful one and do that, right?

No way!

Anonymous said...

I think I find that group at GoldMonkeys funny.
They are laughable.
Not too often you get to see a bunch of crazies in action like this.
They do take themselves so seriously. Almost like they think they are normal or something.

Anonymous said...

This is just so good.

Their crap finally caught up to them.

Anonymous said...

I pray that they stay gone too!

Anonymous said...

How long before these assholes begin to turn on each other?

They can't just hold that "nasty" in for very long.

Anonymous said...

Now they are bragging about how proud they are to be goldmonkeys. HELLO, I guess you should be as you have no other choice, Goofs.

Bust them all said...

I see that sunfreak is becoming unglued, what a nut case, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Yes, SunFreak has always been a freak
However, I am happy they are sooo happy all together in their own little warped world.

A more paranoid bunch I have never met
Maybe SunFreak should join Cat in the nuthouse?

Anonymous said...

"Now they are bragging about how proud they are to be goldmonkeys. HELLO, I guess you should be as you have no other choice, Goofs."

Now, this is funny! I also notice some are bowing down and worshipping their God, Carnut. Disillusioned Bastards worshiping pissy pants. What next?

Anonymous said...

Yes I wonder if sunfreak knows yet about how yapperz laughs about her getting screwed in her settlement. And how yapperz told everyone that nones got screwed financially when her DH passed away. Yes yapperz the alcoholic who knows so much about everyone else.

Anonymous said...

I think SunFreak and the other freaks are very proud of themselves right now.
Chuckling, drooling, slobbering all over themselves.

I think somebody with a net should cart them all off.
I am SO glad they are all banned at Scared Momkeys.

What a bunch of losers.

Anonymous said...

Will they still be chuckling as their computers are confiscated one by one?
Do they all look good in Orange?

Can we all chuckle then?

Anonymous said...

I don't know why those people at GoldMonkeys are so upset about being banned.
They all hated ScaredMonkeys anyway.
So, what's the problem?
Don't tell me that all those people who prided themselves in not reading there really DID read?

Anonymous said...

Sunfreak has already had a trip or
two to the nuthouse. That is why she can't practice medicine any
She is a certified nut. They have
papers on her.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that about SunFreak. She is batty.
I am thinking she may be ready for another trip to the NutHouse.

They can update her papers at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I find them all so trashy.
Carnut has always been needy, but to surround himself with these losers? That is going a bit far, even for him.

Anonymous said...

From what I see, the Banned ones have no business on a NAH forum anyway.
To remove pics like that asshole, SF did, just shows how much she cares about Natalee. If it were just personal pictures, etc, I could understand it, but these pics were for Natalees cause. Guess we see where her loyalties lie; With herself and her asshole buddies.

Good riddance to the whole bunch of them. They are all about hate and filth and have no place to even pretend to care about Natalee.

Sick woman. VERY sick.
As are all those imbeciles she is entertaining.

Yes, they are in a good place and I am so glad they are happy there. Now, perhaps, they will STAY there and leave decent people alone.

Anonymous said...

This SunFreak Freak may be trying out for he Idiot of the Month award?
I think she qualifies.

Anonymous said...

There are several at the Ghoul Monkeys whose medication is long overdue for an adjustment. Increases recommended all around!

If they could step back and read that drivel they post from an objective standpoint, they could easily see the problem.

They are just major failure material.

Anonymous said...

How dare that nut Sunfreak say that
comments were beyond the bounds of
human decency.
I suppose she thinks it is fine for
the gold monkeys to say anything at all to bash others.
If she's gonna dish it out she better be able to take it.

Anonymous said...

I think that BTgirl is a bit bi-polar. Up and Down she is.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that none of them can take what they've been dishing out for months now.
Now that the comments are directed to them, they "Wanna make Nice".

Sorry, dingbats, too little, too late.
They have hurt too many people.

That SunFreak is one of the worst.
Seems like they are all pretty bad, though.

Anonymous said...

The BT girl is nothing more than a coward.
She starts shit behind the scenes and then acts all innocent and hurt by the responses.

She is a nutjob, nothing more, nothing less. Just a random nutjob.

Yes, bi-polar for sure.

Anonymous said...

Those "Haters" were having a wonderful time at others expense as long as no one could answer them back.

Now, the tables are turned and they can't take it.


Remember, they were all banned for a very good reason. Did they think no one talks? No one reads? No one would ever find out what they were doing behind the scenes?

And now they have a sitemeter, Great. Now we can tell who THEY are , lol.
They think they are monitoring visitors to their site. Once again, the joke is on them.

One weirdo is saying hi to people that haven't been there in months, lol. Shows what a nutjob that loser is.
Yes, people talk. Assholes.

Anonymous said...

Saw on Scared Monkeys that once again Dirty Sam had to be corrected for posting BAD information on the GM front page, lol.
That woman can NEVER get anything straight. Senility does that to a person, I hear.

Anonymous said...

How come all these comments sound as though they are written by the same person? can anyone say WACKO

Anonymous said...


Keep dreaming, asshole!

Hard to accept that so many people hate you, isn't it?


Oh, btw, if you are looking for a WHACKO, check your buddies at GM. They have a surplus there now. Or better yet, look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Dirty Old Sam, quit posting lies.
FOM was not on the island at the time Natalee disappeared. You are
one of the worst of the lot of

Anonymous said...

I guess they put that site meter in so the idiots could have a new toy to play with.
I see the insane one is enjoying it a lot.
Is he the official "keeper of the meter"?

This is so laughable. Pathetic, but laughable.

Anonymous said...

Klaas just said Johann (or whatever is name is) is banned too.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of sanctimonious fools
the people at Gold Monkeys are!

They prayed for the SM site and now they are posting Bible verses.

They need some inward reflection.

They started all of the nasty comments.

Anonymous said...

They are all nuts.

A lot of people that finally go over the edge begin to quote the bible. Of course, they have no clue what it means, but it sounds good to them.

If they were true believers, they never would have started this crap.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Dirty Sam had another hissy fit at GM.
I knew she couldn't be nice for very long.

Anonymous said...

More news from the grapevine.
I heard that Cat is allowed to go home on the weekends from the booby hatch.
Its rumor, of course, but it does seem odd that there is more door slamming on the weekends than at other times.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it:

Sam is apologizing profusely to BT and she is supposedly accepting it. If Sam only knew!
But, no one will tell her because everyone hates her so much. Let her make a fool of herself.

Bust them all said...

I do wonder if Casa has had a hissy fit lately, and slammed out of the door.

Anonymous said...

I wonder that too. One thing for sure, her hissy fits are funny.
Always good for a belly laugh on a Saturday night after she's been drinking.
I kind of miss her drive bys at SM

Cat is a liar said...

No one ever said one word about Cat's brother. Hell, most never knew he had a brother. Cat, you are a liar!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cat is a liar said...
"No one ever said one word about Cat's brother. Hell, most never knew he had a brother. Cat, you are a liar!!!!"

Cat lies about EVERYTHING. Just like he lies about not stalking and not threatening people. Cat stalks. Cat threatens.Cat lies.

Anonymous said...

Cat is insane.
Wonder how many of his fellow Goldmonkey posters he has,is and will stalk and threaten?
It WILL happen. Only a matter of time.
Its part of his sickness, imo.

Anonymous said...

I have no use for any of them.
They are not the type of people I would want to associate with.

They are nothing but trash of the type Jerry Springer would love to have on his show

Anonymous said...

As of this morning, nothing has changed at GoldMonkeys.
They are all still nuts
They are still liars
They are still stalkers

Carry on...

Anonymous said...

DiSetti was banned this morning at SM.
Another idiot bites the dust.

Maybe BT can recruit him for GM, She wubs her some idiots

Anonymous said...

GM is quite the little band of "thugs" isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Thugs and crazies, lmao

Anonymous said...

I hope their crotch crickets multiply

Anonymous said...

Well, BT recruited that other nut, Karma, or whatever the name was.
They'll take anything for members there now, the crazier the better.
There are no scruples there, no pride in their forum, no ethics, no screening process. Its like throwing the shit against the wall to see what sticks.