Saturday, May 16, 2009

Blogs Of Note Part 3

Blogs Of Note Part 3

There have been some blogs developed to discuss the "falling out" of different forums or it's members.
I found an interesting blog called
It seems that this blog author was a member of websleuths truecrime forum. She also joined justicequest forum. From what I can gather these two forums she joined are at odds with one another. It seems that she got caught up in the middle of some forum wars. It seems that she has been banned now from justicequest, and thus has started her own site.
Correction: She has had her site before joining the two aforementioned sites.
( thanks Lisha! )
Reading her site just goes to show that forum wars are going strong out there in cyberland.

Read her interesting writeup of her experiences here:
Stop back soon.


Anonymous said...

Very good post there on what constitutes libel/slander. link to better explain.

Seems basic name calling is opinion and not statement of fact but all must be careful not to step over the line and state something as a fact.

Some need to be very careful when they "check up on" others with no legit reason.

Anonymous said...

So many forums, so little time. lol.

Anonymous said...

So, if I said IMO, Destiny is a flippin nutcase, I am fine...right? LOL

OMG, people better learn what constitutes stalking. Yesterday, I looked up an old friend with no legit resaon...I hope he doesn't charge me with "stalking". LMAO

ScribbleMuse said...

Just wanted to say thanks for the mention (though maybe it's a 'bad' thing to be mentioned here? Since I'm fully aware of how silly the whole concept of forum wars and internet poop flings are, I'll take the mention with a wry smile and thanks... lol). Even if I can't say I'm perfectly objective, since I was involved in the little spit fest mentioned here, I find forum wars to be an interesting subject and will be watching your blog in the future. :)

Lisha (ScribbleMuse)

ScribbleMuse said...

AND--I just want to say that I didn't start the site because I was banned. I've had ScribbleMuse for a few years and even though it's been through a few incarnations, the focus has been on crime prevention/victim advocacy for a very long time, even before I knew of WS or JQ. It's just been redone since then, so it appears new--when I changed from Yahoo hosting to GoDaddy, I lost the entire blog. :( I suck at tech stuff.

truthordare said...

Hi Lisha aka scribblemuse!
I have corrected the post, thank you! I enjoy reading your blog and I have saved it to my favorites.

Anonymous said...

I think looking up an old friend would be a legit reason. And old friend is not likely to file a complaint.

But, yes, looking up information about complete strangers for the purpose of finding out things to use against them, following them from forum to forum, etc. can be considered internet stalking. Intent factors into it.

Anonymous said...

I agree, intent is what it's all about.

BTW, thanks for the link to scribblemuse. I really like her site.