Monday, May 18, 2009

Unethical Behaviors Online

I really hate to have to do another post so soon about the goldmonkey forum. But I just could not ignore this opportunity to show people what can happen during the course of forum wars.

Blogs such as this one may pop up on the internet. People post on various forums or blogs about the gripes they have with other forums or their posters.

Now one can chose to do this the right way or the wrong way, IMO.

It seems that the goldmonkey forum has added a sitemeter to their site. That is fine in most cases. I have one here just to see how much traffic I get. The intent of the goldmonkey forum however was not the same. They wanted to be able to see who comes there to read so that they could publicly post the ips of the visitors. Then, they go on to say who they think that visitor is. Oh that visitor lives in Timbuck 2, so it must be so and so. In my opinion that is as bad as giving out a real life name or location of a poster. Not too cool eh?
One thing I will promise here, and that is no real life names of posters will ever be found on this blog. No real life locations or ips of anyone will ever be found on this blog.
Why? Because it just is not the right thing to do.
Just sayin. It is unethical. IMO of course.
From the dictionary:

unethical - not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior; "unethical business practices".
see what they are doing by going here:
Come back soon!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing this to the light of day.

And the biggest offenders are Bleachedblech and MeowMan (Cat;aka Joe Bear;aka Tiger; aka Siamese)

This Cat guy disguises himself, on the very place he posts, to be ingognito,even though all his fellow posters know all his nicknames. Can we say CRAZY????
Anyway, he is like a 2 year old with a new toy.

BleachedBlech cant read the sitemeter correctly and always gets everything wrong and chases the wrong people. What a dingbat.

Oh Yeah, these people are REAL bright

Anonymous said...

LOL If I am such a dingbat then it shouldn't be any concern of yours what-so-ever that I post it.

Am I understanding the author of this article either says it is ok to know the info of who VISITS a site - just not post it? WRONG? or that he/she knows the traffic of this site and just doesn't post any real names?

Please note that I HAVE NEVER posted a persons true name- SO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!

Anonymous said...

OH, Hullo.

You must be..wait..I'll think of it...Bleachedblech????

Kinda got yer panties in a wad, doncha?

truthordare said...

Anonymous said...
LOL If I am such a dingbat then it shouldn't be any concern of yours what-so-ever that I post it.

Am I understanding the author of this article either says it is ok to know the info of who VISITS a site - just not post it? WRONG? or that he/she knows the traffic of this site and just doesn't post any real names?

Please note that I HAVE NEVER posted a persons true name- SO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!

May 18, 2009 5:05 PM

Most web site these days keep count of traffic, and a lot even know our ips, yes.Our ips are logged in one form or another at every site we visit. An ip is your internet service provider, and is generally in close geographical location to you.Some ips do show locations, not all.So yes, IMO it is wrong to post it. The ones I have seen posted at goldmonkey do seem to show location, and yes you are publicly posting that information. I don't know any other web sites that do this, do you? So my answer is yes it's ok for a website to know who visits. It is not right to take that information and post it on a public message board. Then to take this a step further try to guesstimate who this person may be?
Come on now, you know better than that.

truthordare said...

One other thing. I never said that real names were posted. I said that posting people's ip addresses is as bad as posting their name or location. IMO of course.

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show what kind of character or lack of ~ the GM members have.

Carnut knows better, shows his true character too.

Then the wine about no one liking them. Idiots!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bleachedblack sucks!

Mighty Mark said...

It's the MO of that bunch of losers to gather information on those with opposing views.

Why, for the life of me I wouldn't know. Should I be worried that some old geezer a 1000 miles away knows that someone with ip 3945739857496574957 disagrees with him?

Should I be intimidated by their stalking behaviour, hell NO, bring it on you bunch of fruitcakes.

Lastly thank you for bringing this up truthordare, people should be warned for crazy people such as at GM.

Anonymous said...

BleachedBlack=Nurse Rachet

Anonymous said...

IP numbers usually don't show the exact location of a poster and looking up an IP number won't give a person's real name. At least not the ones I have looked at. Worried about your real name? Check and see what name Yahoo mail uses on your outgoing mail.

Anonymous said...

bleachedfreak is one of the worst offenders now that some have dared to put her in her corner. posting IP addresses publicly is a well known NO NO. carnut is the root of this evil by allowing it and pulling the strings of his smelly puppets. they are so stupid letting mr wee wee push them to commit the crimes for him.

Anonymous said...

But, They WUBS him, just WUBS him to death!

Anonymous said...

UH-OH - Carnut better get that down!! Just sayin.....

Anonymous said...

unethical - not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior; "unethical business practices".


The Internet/blogs are considered a place of social and ethical standards? Are there levels of professional "bashing" to which we should hold ourselves? I have seen one hate site post pictures of unfortunate individuals and attach posters nics for laughs. GMAFB

naive or stupid which one are you?

Anonymous said...

Posters sometimes post offensive pictures on a site. The ADMINs of that site have the respnsibity of removing them and in the case you are speaking of,that is exactly what happened.
HOWEVER. at some sites, like GM, the ADMIN doesn't give a damn what his posters say or do. Yes, HE is responsible for that.
That is the difference between being respectable and not being respectable site owner.

So, let me ask you, are you naive or stupid? or just another troll?

truthordare said...

Anonymous said...
unethical - not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior; "unethical business practices".


The Internet/blogs are considered a place of social and ethical standards? Are there levels of professional "bashing" to which we should hold ourselves? I have seen one hate site post pictures of unfortunate individuals and attach posters nics for laughs. GMAFB

naive or stupid which one are you?

May 19, 2009 11:45 AM

Yes, I do think there are social standards in all aspects of life, even time spent on the internet.

Of course, not everyone will conform to this. I know that, we all know that.

As far as what other sites do I have no control over that. If you saw something you were uncomfortable with you should tell the owner of said site.

Anonymous said...

well said truthordare!!

They should tell the owner of the sight unless, of course, they are the ones posting it to make the site look bad. Hmmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm truthordare did not post my comment. That is the truth......


Anonymous said...

[b]ANonymous said....[/b]

well said truthordare!!

They should tell the owner of the sight unless, of course, they are the ones posting it to make the site look bad. Hmmmmmm?


HAH and if you believe that one I have a bridge to sell you(s). The comments were just as raunchy as the pics and came from the minds of some very evil nasty people. Take the credit you deserve.

Anonymous said...

Why should THIS blog take the "credit" as you put it, for what ANOTHER blog does?

You getting your knickers in a wad again? Sounds like you are winding yourself right up. Calm down, take a deep breath and repeat after me:
"THIS IS NOT THE OTHER BLOG" can repeat it as necessary, if you wish, til it sinks in to your thick skull.

A break from all blogs is probably in order for you since you obviously can't handle the stress.
Or, start your own blog? LMAO
Then we can all come there and insult you!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Wait a minute! This must be one of those people that believes this site is run by Scared Monkeys?

Yeah, one of the super sleuths, they knows all bout everythin'


The Eye of the Frog is Upon You said...

What comment?

And who cares?

truthordare said...

Every single comment made by anyone comes through to be published, I do not stop them. If they are too foul, I then delete them and it shows up as deleted by blog administrator. As you can all see that hasn't happened. So if post didn't show it must be on her end not mine.

Anonymous said...

Truthordare - We all know this!!! BB is just another nutcase from GM.

Thank you for your fun site.

Anonymous said...

And I think forums that allow the posting of personal information about other posters' children are the lowest of the low.

Just because one doesn't like a particular poster doesn't give anybody the right to go after their children with personal information, actual photos or anything else.

Anonymous said...

I know that my ISP shows up as
at least three different places,
none of which are the town where
I live.

Anonymous said...

When I was on Satellite my isp would show up all over the country. One day on the East Coast, next day on the West Coast.
Very strange

Anonymous said...

Wonder where BB is? Maybe her Mother wouldn't let her come out to play today. Oh well

Anonymous said...

Oh, I saw BleachedBlech trolling on another forum all day. She's a real piece of work, that one.

Carnutz-is-a-wanker said...

in live chat in goldmonkeys carnuts DOES say who people are according to thier ips and tells everyone. What kind of moderator/owner does that crap?? and yet they all to choose to be still there? what morons.

I wonder if any of them realize none of them are "special" to him, whenever anyone is not in the room he will trash the missing person to the others until they come back in, then starts on another who isnt there, then if anyone says anything he says they were talking about you, when it was always him, just because one is in a chatroom with him doesnt mean they actually were talking about the person, usually it was rolling of the eyes letting him go on.

BTW he loved slamming BT whenever she wasn't around..see? BT your smoochies get you what you give everyone else...a stab in the back by the very person you all stand beside. Have fun.

Anonymous said...

OMG you have described perfectly what goes on in that chatroom.
Every darn night, same thing,different person.

NO ONE was spared. NO ONE.

Anonymous said...

what does everyone expect from a hermit like carnut? no one wants to be around him in real life. he can only find a friend when they can't see him or experience him in person.

Anonymous said...

Several posters at the AutoNut site invent things they claim were done to the. Perfect example is that one claiming her comment was not posted, etc. Admin made it clear they all are posted then adjusted so that was just a lie to claim some imagined wrong done to them.

These imagined and invented (lies) slights are just their lame excuse to attack others.

It doesn't fool anybody.

Anonymous said...

I think its very nice that Carnut has herded the imbeciles into the dungeon so they can't embarass him any further.
Or, was he warned?

The plot thickens

Anonymous said...

Bleached Blech is still a miserable asshole
Some things never change

Anonymous said...

And Yapperz is still leaking like a sieve

She needs to lay off the booze and keep her mouth shut

Anonymous said...

Lalas is still a bitch of the order, who tries to act like she
is holier than anyone else.
Hey is MIP6?

The Eyes are Upon You said...

I think that Bleached Black has turned into one of the nastiest people I have ever seen online. How she managed to cover that up for such a long time is beyond me.
Maybe she has been hanging out with Sam too much