Saturday, May 23, 2009

Proper Online Netiquette

Don't argue with everything everyone says. If someone says the sky is blue, don't say it's grey.
Don't overdo your punctuation marks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't drink and post, you may be embarrassed the next day.
Don't write a long letter when you post, people don't have all day to read.
Do respect the privacy of other posters.
Do not post that picture of yourself wasted at a work Christmas party.
Don't act like an ass online, save that for your real life.
After all, who really wants to be the next to get BUSTED on this blog? LOL.
Happy Memorial Day everyone!

Stop back soon!


Bust Them All said...

Oh I hope some posters act up. I personally love to see them get Busted. Everyone loves gossip.

Happy Memorial Day!

Anonymous said...

"Don't drink and post, you may be embarrassed the next day."

LMAO, go check out the Destiny section/post again. LOL

Me thinks somebody has a drinky, drinky problem....just sayin

Anymouse said...

oops, I think I'm guilty of long-winded posts. rofl

Anonymous said...

better tell btgirl not to post every foto of every waking moment of her life...just sayin

BT-is-a-sockmonkey-pimpette said...

really? BTneedyGIRL actually has a life? and she does it awake? and still doesnt realize how stupid she looks? wow...amazing.

Anonymous said...

Or assume everybody likes those sock monkeys just because she does. They totally creep out some people, something she can't seem to comprehend.