Thursday, May 28, 2009

Some Don't Get Mad They Get Even

Some do not get mad they get even.
I had seen a link to this forum (speakingoftheidiots) in the comment section here. Today I ventured on over there. WOW! This forum is promoted as a rebuttal site for posters who have been wronged, lied about, and made fun of elsewhere on other forums. All I can say after reading this is paybacks really can be a bitch. Ouch it hurts.


I would not ever wanna piss these posters off, LMAO.
Read at the link below, at your own risk of course. LOL


Forum wars, you gotta love them!

Stop back soon.


Anonymous said...

I gotta say that is some funny stuff!

Anonymous said...

GREAT rebuttal site! I just love it!
About time the nasties got their due, lol
And guess what? They can't take it! :oD

Anonymous said...

Love this site! Funny Funny Funny posters there.

Anonymous said...

Obs stepped in it big time over there tonight, lol
The loon finally lost it

Anonymous said...

He sure did. He is really disturbed. I am glad Kub and Destiny are stuck with him. LOLOL

Anonymous said...

LMAO - they deserve eachother.

Anonymous said...

What a great site to fight back! Thanks for the link. Those idiots have attacked many for so long - it's about time they get what they deserve!

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to watch the haters squirm. They will come over to that site and when they explain what they did, they sound even worse than before in their own words.

Their "explanations" are more like confessions to very hateful wrongdoing. Yet they still seem unable to grasp that what they did was wrong!

Guess that's what makes them haters. They seem to think if they did it, it must be OK.

Anonymous said...

That is true. They never seem to realize the difference between right and wrong. But they do think they can solve the NH case when they resemble the perps with their own behavior.

Anonymous said...

I love it!!

Anonymous said...

These stupid Idiot bullies thought they could say or do anything they wanted. But some very smart, clever people turned the tables right back one them.

I, for one, was thrilled to see it happen.

That site makes me LMAO.

LMAO said...

Dr. Teddy B is Hilarious!

Obsession555 said...

Fantastic site

Obsy is really losing it, this is beyond getting even, they are really annihilating the suckers.



OBSERVER needs serious help! His tantrums over there are crazy!

Anonymous said...

Bleached Black is making an ass out of herself over there, just sayin'.

I love Internet Forum Wars!! I wish you would post more often, lol.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please! More articles and comments.

lisaloudmouth said...

Please do more on ldstlou, a member of GM. Her posts will give you so much to work with. LOL

She makes the dumbest threats then breaks the law by posting someones SS#.

She is quite the little den mother and obsessively obnoxious about her son.

Anonymous said...

The, mrs kub,
destiny, hotshot,ss, vms, johan, lalas, etc. have taken down their C&G just sayin' and idiotsfoundonline sites.
it is a happy day for the good guys.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The, mrs kub,
destiny, hotshot,ss, vms, johan, lalas, etc. have taken down their C&G just sayin' and idiotsfoundonline sites.
it is a happy day for the good guys.


Don't celebrate so quickly. I read at the Zetaboard site Speaking of the Idiots, that someone is trying to close that site down. Such a pity- NOT.

Anonymous said...

Yes, someone is TRYING.
It is the very people who took their site down already. Jealous, I guess.

The assholes of the Universe. You know, Obs, Loulou, MsKubnut, and the rest of the morons.

However, last I saw, Speaking of te idiots is still going strong and the other moron site, well..

Anonymous said...

"Don't celebrate so quickly. I read at the Zetaboard site Speaking of the Idiots, that someone is trying to close that site down. Such a pity- NOT."

Oh My. You must be one of the morons at CnG

Anonymous said...

Don't celebrate so quickly. I read at the Zetaboard site Speaking of the Idiots, that someone is trying to close that site down. Such a pity- NOT.

Filing a complaint is a long way
from closing the site down.
Go play in your hidey hole where
all you idiots belong. You have all done too much to ever be credible again.

Anonymous said...

Filing a complaint is a long way
from closing the site down.
Go play in your hidey hole where
all you idiots belong. You have all done too much to ever be credible again.

Credible? Credible? Hah!

There is only so much guffawing, cartoons, and silly insinuations about peoples private parts a normal person can take.

Keep it up- You will run yourselves into the ground. It is just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

Do you think that shutting down a forum means you are shutting people up? NEWSFLASH! Do you know how MANY forums there are on the internet?????



And btw, how come you know so much about that forum? You always there or something? You must love it deep down.


Filing a complaint is a long way
from closing the site down.
Go play in your hidey hole where
all you idiots belong. You have all done too much to ever be credible again.

Credible? Credible? Hah!

There is only so much guffawing, cartoons, and silly insinuations about peoples private parts a normal person can take.

Keep it up- You will run yourselves into the ground. It is just a matter of time.

June 4, 2009 3:35 PM

Are you speaking from experience? LOLOL

Anonymous said...

When those jerks were posting lies about and bashing other posters, they always claimed no one would do that unless the poster had it coming.

Now that they are getting it and in Spades, they whine!

Such hypocrites! Fighting them back is the only way for some people to learn. And some are much slower than others.

Anonymous said...

Now Now,BB, you KNOW you love to sit at the "speaking of Idiots " Blog all damn day and night.
You are so transparant.

You just love it there, come on, admit it.

Anonymous said...

Credible? Credible? Hah!

There is only so much guffawing, cartoons, and silly insinuations about peoples private parts a normal person can take.

Keep it up- You will run yourselves into the ground. It is just a matter of time.

You idiots have dug your own graves. You have broken all of the
rules and cannot take the rebuttal.
I hope that you can all stick together because no one else will have you. What a sad bunch of idiots!

Anonymous said...

I love that speakingoftheidiots forum, it is so funny.
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time!!

Anonymous said...

I love that forum. So funny.
The idiots can dish it out but they can't take it. If someone asks them a direct question they leave. They are idiots and cowards! Wow, what a combination.

Anonymous said...

BleachedBlack was over there again yesterday making more of an ass of herself.
She just keeps stepping in it deeper and deeper.

Anonymous said...

Thank-you spider- but the real ass is you and everyone knows it.

Anonymous said...


What you smokin BB?

I made that post and I will guarantee you I am NOT Spider.
You prove again what an ass you are.

Anonymous said...

That site is GREAT!!!!