Friday, June 5, 2009

The Content Is No Longer Available

Bye Bye Blog.

The blog that was once found at :

Now comes up as :
The authors have deleted this blog. The content is no longer available.
Hmmmmmmmmmm, disappearing cyber ink?
Or could it be deeper than that. Could it be that maybe it just wasn't right to post people's real life information on that blog? You know the stuff, real life names and addresses of other Internet posters.
No matter what, it just isn't right to post people's real names, names of their children, where they live, where they work and more. Just not cool to do. Did they wise up, we can hope so.
Stop back soon!


Anonymous said...

Wise are assuming there is intelligence.

Anonymous said...

That blog was pathetic. Nothing but pure hatred there.I for one am so glad it is gone.

Anonymous said...

That place was operated with low-life owners and posters. It needed to be gone. Thanks for the information. Wonder where they will crop up next?

Anonymous said...

Kubnut is laughable and pathetic. She is an evil woman and needs to just go away.

Anonymous said...

See ya....wouldn't want to be ya!!

Because you are loser, IDIOTS!!!

Anonymous said...

Who won Jackass of the Month? So many to choose from. LOLOL

Anonymous said...

Oh Yes, I was wondering who the new Jackass of the Month is?

anymouse said...

we all want the jackass of the MOOooonth announced lol