Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jackass Of The Month For June

It is yet again time for the Internet Jackass of the Month Award. This Award is once again going to a poster with a very inflated ego. The Award for the month of June goes to Bleachedblack. It seems to me that she has worked very diligently to receive this. Carrying on at several different online forums acting as some type of vigilante online. Starting polls to have fellow posters banned at the Goldmonkey forum. Then, wandering over to the Scaredmonkey forum to carry on an argument with the very person she wanted banned at Goldmonkey. Also, to argue with anyone who questioned her motives. Here are her most recent posts at Scaredmonkeys, before being banned there. 34 out of 40 of the posts are of an argumentative nature. Arguing with numerous posters. See it all at this link below:


Yet, she has no idea why she was banned? Uh huh, right.


From what I understand this poster still likes to make inflammatory posts at the Goldmonkey.org forum about posters who remain over at Scaredmonkeys. I also understand that this poster likes to go to the rebuttal forum called "speakingoftheidiots". As an online vigilante for all wrong doings to she and her online buddies, so she says. Hahaha. Posting things like "that everyone knows the truth", whatever the hell that is supposed to mean?

l'd say she has earned this award.


Forum wars, you gotta love them!

Stop back soon.


Anonymous said...


You picked the perfect Jackass!

Anonymous said...

Great pick. She really is a Jackass.

This woman has no shame, no pride and no sense of dignity.

Anonymous said...

I never expected it of BB but she is pure evil.

Anonymous said...

I can think of no one more deserving of the Jackass award than
BB....except maybe Lalas, ldstlou,
and hotshot.

Here's to a perfect choice!

Anonymous said...

Guess BB is hiding under a rock where she belongs.

Anonymous said...

I can think of no one more deserving of the Jackass award than
BB....except maybe Lalas, ldstlou,
and hotshot.

Here's to a perfect choice!


Yes, but don't forget about Destiny, Kubnut and Obsy. They would make great Jackass's of the Month too. LOLOL

Anonymous said...

Don't overlook yapperz either

Anonymous said...

Everyone in due time I am sure.

Anonymous said...

They all qualify

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about SS and VMS, Please!!!!!!!!!!!

kermit said...

bleachedblack wrote: "I was just accused of numerous incorrect things along with a whole lot more.......no one said "hey that 's not fair" Just sayin'.

BUT she JUMPED at the chance to accuse me of hacking carnuts site.
Which is a complete boldfaced lie!

Idstlou then accused me of owning this blog and the other website. That is again, a boldfaced lie.

These are people helping Arubans who have been involved in many, shall we say, dubious acts.

I enjoy your writing & this blog.

Anonymous said...

We now see what kind of liar she is.

Anonymous said...

Bleachedblack is more than an idiot. She is a mean idiot.
I have often thought she had an
Aruban agenda. She sure goes to
Aruba frequently.

Anonymous said...

BB can truly say she EARNED the jackass award

Anonymous said...

Her Cohorts are all mean as well.
I see Carnut has posted Reds picture again in their Holloway thread. Yes CARNUT. the supposed admin of that forum.

He is the ringleader and BB is a nasty useful idiot.

Anonymous said...

Is Carnut looking for donations again? lol

His little "heh heh" makes him look like the laughing hyena, jackass he is.

anymouse said...

they have always been so quick to jump to blame others, when most the stuff goes on right in thier own little den of losers, by the very ones that claim others are doing it. what idiots...everyone else can see it and they don't and if you say even a hint you may know what's going on you are bashed, banned, rediculed. they all deserve eachother....oh and hey, don't forget another a1 jackass, BT

Anonymous said...

I have not seen BleachedBlech around since she won the award.
She could at least say thank you.

Maybe the rock she lives under fell on her head?

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised she is in hiding.
She should be ashamed of herself.

Wonder if she finally grew a conscience?

Anonymous said...

BB is still a bitch
Dirty Sam is still an evil old woman
Cat is still insane
Poochy has joined the ranks of the insane

LalasMom changed the name of GoldMonkey to
"The Douchebags" forum.

I must say, that is a very appropriate name for them.

Anonymous said...

She shoulda named it Golden douchebags

Anonymous said...

I think GM's isolation is driving them more insane everyday.
Nobody wants anything to do with them, except other low lifes.

Just look at BB as a perfect example.

Anonymous said...

I think BB has lost her mind too

She spirals further downward every day. Now she is just another internet troll. One of many internet trolls.She is in the same category as people at RU.
Of course,she may always have been that and people just didn't see it.

Anonymous said...

Great job! For the next Jackass award, you may want to take a look at Koolook. She is also known as kookkook. She can be found preaching the word of Jesus while condemning anyone who disagrees with her to hell. Try Webslueth's ~ no lack of jackasses there.

Anonymous said...

And so July is here. I can't wait to see who the new Jackass of the month award goes to this month.

BB had her reign for a month and was a shining example of what a Jackass should be. Hope the next one is as exciting!

Anonymous said...

BleachedBlech will soon be just another asshole. No Tiara for her in a few days.
Wonder how she liked her outstanding award?
But, don't fret, little Jackass, you may win it again soon.

You are still an idiot.