Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Busted Part 4

In this day and age of the Internet, there are so many articles and photos posted across the world wide web. Some people protect their articles and or photos by copyright etc. Nothing wrong with that. But when you steal another website's articles then try to copyright them as your own, something is very wrong there!


There is a group of disgruntled former monkeys. They made a website called chatandgrumble. They steal articles and photographs from all over the internet, and copyright these articles and photos as "CNG Research". They think as long as they call it research that gives them the legal right to do so. Wrong! Not only is it wrong, it is disrespectful, shame on these sheeple!


A recent example of such behaviour was posted at the scaredmonkeys site by klaasend, the administrator. Johan, you are so busted!! This is not your property no matter how much you try to make it so! I have to sit here and just laugh at these losers.


Original article as posted on the front page of scaredmonkeys:
Then you have Johan's new copyrighted (LMAO) version:
Johan or as some call him Johan555.....You are BUSTED!
Stop taking other people's stuff and calling it your own. ROFLMAO!

All of the photos and the explanation of what happened as stated above can be found at scaredmonkeys at this link: http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=4924.1040
Stop back soon for more!


Anonymous said...

That whole group at chatandgrumble are nucking futz !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No WONDER GM wanted this clown. He is just as unstable and as much a thief and liar as the rest of them there.

glad to be rejected said...

I tryed to join that shitty chandgrumble site. They said they are not taking new members at this time. Glad they rejected me!

Anonymous said...

You got to be REALLY nasty to be accepted at Chatandgrumble.

You were probably too nice

Anonymous said...

Johan, shame on you!

Anonymous said...

They don't research shit!

I take that back, they do research SM members!

Anonymous said...

Johan has always been an ass,
even before he learned to watermark
other people's work.
There is the truth and then there
is the truth according to Johan.
Remember Joran in Den Dobler institution according to Johan while the news everywhere was reporting Joran in Thailand.

Anonymous said...

Johan is a jackass

Anonymous said...

What the Hell are they "researching" anyway?

Do a bunch of overweight couch potatos are going to find out what happened to Natalee when the experts can't even find the truth?
Some skank that breezes into Aruba with a butterknife thinking she can gather DNA.That one is laughable.

That bunch of Ex ScaredMonkeys , now at GM, thinking they have anything at all of any importance? The only important stuff is what they've copied from other people. Give Me a Break. Bunch of overweight, frustrated wannabes, all of them. They need to get up from their computer chairs and do a little community volunteer work.Not only would it help their disgusting, flabby bodies, but it would also heal their evil souls.

And now, along comes Johan. A latecomer. WTF is HE researching? Nothing that I've seen. Just another idiot running his mouth filled with his own self importance, IMO

Anonymous said...

Now Johan does not like Desetti.

Anonymous said...

Just want to let you know that Observer is the one who puts Johan up to all of this crazy stuff.

Anonymous said...

Johan is at it again today.
That picture of Scubajap has been
around since 2005, but now has
the C&G watermark and posted at
I wonder if his lawyer has served Klaas with the lawsuit yet?
He said he is going to sue to have
all of his posts removed from SM.
What a loser Johan is!

Anonymous said...

Johan is an ass

Anonymous said...

BTW, that watermark mean nothing at all legally.
So, blow it out your ass, Johan

Anonymous said...

To STEAL something right off the Front Page at SM and stick his watermark on it is absolutely the stupidest thing I think I have ever seen someone pretending to be a legitimate poster do!

He is beyond help! A real nutcase of the Observer level. Yes, he is Observer's handpuppet but surely they both know he can't get away with this kind of nonsense.

Maybe he should have asked his attorney about doing what he did! Come to think of it, they all should do just that and find out they are the ones breaking laws.

Anonymous said...

They make rocks look smart!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Bust Them All said...

Let's not forget yapperz. She pushed her skinny ass into chatandgrumble. I would not put a lot of this watermarking past her ya know. She could not get along with other members of Natalee's freebirds, she could not get along with other members of Daisys, she could not get along with other members at scaredmonkeys. So she pushed her skinny ass over and into chatandgrumble, bwahahahahaaaa. She is now part of the great research which bares the watermarks. She is also two faced and the leak.

truthordare said...

Anonymous said...
So johann likes to put pics of people on the net.

Now here's a pic of traitor bastibro

Now I'll go and watermark that picture you sumbitch

next links to johann's lovepad in Veurne Belgium.

May 14, 2009 1:58 PM

Just wanted to let you know that I had to remove the link to Bas's photo. I am sorry, I hate to edit anything. But one thing I do not allow here are any real life pictures of anyone, or any real life names. Just poster's names. Thanks for understanding.

Anonymous said...

Johan doesn't know any more than anyone else, nor does Observer

Anonymous said...

Bust Them All said...
Let's not forget yapperz. She pushed her skinny ass into chatandgrumble. I would not put a lot of this watermarking past her ya know. She could not get along with other members of Natalee's freebirds, she could not get along with other members of Daisys, she could not get along with other members at scaredmonkeys. So she pushed her skinny ass over and into chatandgrumble, bwahahahahaaaa. She is now part of the great research which bares the watermarks. She is also two faced and the leak.

May 14, 2009 4:28 PM

I agree 100 percent!!!

Anonymous said...

The idiots from CnG and GM seem to be involved in some mutually mastubatory online circle jerk and they're using copyright theft as their KY jelly.

They sound very jealous of SM and SM members. Very, very, very jealous. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

All their research is stolen from SM. All they do is steal material and put their watermark on it. That and stalk other posters is the total of their contribution to anything. And post lies about other posters, too.

It would be sad if they weren't so vicious.

Anonymous said...

Losers all of them!!

Anonymous said...

TexasMom watermarks aruban newspaper articles! WTH is up with that? That is a total laugh.Hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
TexasMom watermarks aruban newspaper articles! WTH is up with that? That is a total laugh.Hahahahaha

May 16, 2009 6:10 PM
For one thing she puts a little tag in the corner with her name. I dunno ask her.

However, this post was about Johan.

Anonymous said...

TexasMom has every right to put her mark on an article that she has
found and translated.
She does not put a mark on the original newspaper article.
She certainly doesn't steal it from another forum as Johan does.

Anonymous said...

Hey where did that other site go???
This one:

I hope it comes back soon!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering that too. It had some funny stuff on there!

Anonymous said...

I have to wonder if some of the idiots like SS, Destiny, or Yap posted some of those pictures at that SpeakingoftheIdiots site...just to make to the site look bad.

Many of those pictures were insensative and inappropriate and I can only see an Idiot posting them.

I see SS is having a field day with it..The things that make you go hmmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Yes but SS seems to be a disturbed individual too. She is always crying about something or someone bothering her.
Like a little tattletale. So and so did this to me and so and so did that to me.

Anonymous said...

It would not surprise me at all if those morons did post those pictures.
Its about their speed.
And don't overlook that little weirdo, Muminohio , too, or whatever her name is now.

Anonymous said...

Oh you mean Aussiemom?
Little Miss know-it-all!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that be the one, lol

Little putz, she is. Or would that be Putzlet?

Anonymous said...

Hey where did that other site go???
This one:

I hope it comes back soon!

May 16, 2009 9:49 PM

It's back up!

Anonymous said...

I never thought Muminohio was nuts. Boy was I wrong.

Anonymous said...

That MuminOhio is crazier than a shithouse rat

Anonymous said...

Is Johan555 still stealing articles and watermarking them?